dimanche 2 juin 2013

Random Encryption { Nice Encrypter/Decrypter }

Hello everybody 

In this post, I will present my own Encrypter/Decrypter that I named "HMZ Encrypter". It's just a poor idea that I designed in order to create my pure Encrypter. This idea was verry simple in the begining of my poor job .

Theory : What Do You Mean By Random Encryption ?

My Theory is very simple to understand and to keeping in mind, because the rule is just as follow :

the rule :

Suppose that we have a character for example 'a' and we want to encrypt it, the simple rule of my application is :

a ==> ascii( 97 )
N ==> ascii( 78 )
==> a * N = 97 * 78 ==> 7566 ==> put N and store 7566

When we want to convert N to a. We get the stored number which is 7566 then we find the Ascii number for completing the following equation : X ( unknown character ) * N = 7566

the equation must be : a * N = 7566

==> The Decryption of 'N' is 'a' :P

=> note : The Character 'N' that I choose is just an example, the method that I followed in the program choose a random characters and not a specific character as others think .

Example of Encryption :

==> we have this text : "abcd" So :

a => 97
b => 98
c => 99
d => 100

==> the encryption of the text is "YMWB" :

a * Y = 8633
b * M = 7546
c * W = 8613
d * B = 6600

"abcd" ==> "YMWB"

Example of Decryption :

we have the encrypted text and the stored numbers so we must find all the ascii numbers for completing these equations, but the interval is the Ascii Table only.

x * Y = 8633 ==> a * Y = 8633
x * M = 7546 ==> b * M = 7546
x * W = 8613 ==> c * W = 8613
x * B = 6600 ==> d * B = 6600

The Decrypted text of "YMWB" is "abcd"...

In other part, we can improve this rule to be more effective. In this field we can use just two characters no more...

Example of improved rule :

We have the following text : " Free Syria"

F = 70
r = 114
e = 101
e = 101

S = 83
y = 121
r = 114
i = 105
a = 97

the encryption should be like this :

F = 70 * 72(H) * 72(H) = 362880
r = 114 * 90(Z) * 90(Z) = 923400
e = 101 * 66(B) * 66(B) = 439956
e = 101 * 77(M) * 77(M) = 598829

S = 83 * 81(Q) * 81(Q) = 544563
y = 121 * 65(A) * 65(A) = 511225
r = 114 * 86(V) * 86(V) = 843144
i = 105 * 70(F) * 70(F) = 514500
a = 97 * 84(T) * 84(T) = 684432

==> The encrypted text of "Free Syria" is "HHZZBBMMQQAAVVFFTT"

=> note : the two characters can be the same or not the same, there's no problem ...

Practice : Stop your explanation and give me some codes !!!

This one picture of my encrypter :

=> As you see, the encryption of "I'm the Hidden Ghost !!!" is :

==> "SI5XMF-;O2VYM<J8VKH+AGJ-LRA,1DII82>*<5K)83;95RD-"

=> What about Decryption ? look At this :

This is the download link :  click here

 - Hamza Qdider -

Space Effect with colored pixels By Hamza Qdider

Hello everybody ...

I have created this new application, it's just for fun no more

It shows coloring pixels on screen ...

I have Attached the application and the source code on this link :
click here

Be prepared to see a nice Show !!!

I hope you like it ...

 - Attached Picture -

Photo : I have created this new application, it's just for fun no more :)

It shows coloring pixels on screen :)

I have Attached the application and the source code on this link : 


note : I explain the Source Code in Arabic for understanding more ...

be prepared to see a nice Show :)

Good Luck

- The Hidden Ghost -

vendredi 31 mai 2013

Eject the drive with this little application

This Application is oriented for people who didn't know the solution of their problem ..
the problem is when the button of the Drive is disabled . In this respect you can use
this program for your purpose. You can open and close the Drive Door without any problems ...

Download link : click here

Photo : This Application is oriented for people who didn't know the solution of their problem ..
the problem is when the button of the Drive is disabled.. In this respect you can use
this program for your purpose. You can open and close the Drive Door without any problems ...

Download link : http://depositfiles.com/files/1ntg0pfmd

- The Hidden Ghost -

 - By Hamza Qdider -

The entire source code :


#include <windows.h>
#include "Eject.h"


        if( msg == WM_COMMAND )
            if( LOWORD( wp ) == EJECT_BUT )
                if( OPEN == 1 )
                   mciSendString( "set cdaudio door closed" ,0,0,0 );
                   SetWindowText( ( HWND ) lp,"Eject" );
                   OPEN = 0;
                else {
                OPEN = 1;
                mciSendString( "set cdaudio door open" ,0,0,0 );
                SetWindowText( ( HWND ) lp,"Close Door" );
            else if( LOWORD( wp ) == ABOUT )
                 MessageBoxA( h,
                              "This application is programmed by The Hidden Ghost\n\n\t All Rights Reserved. 2013",
                              "About the application !!!",
                              MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION
        else if( msg == WM_CLOSE )
             ExitProcess( 0 );
             return 0;
 return 0;

INT WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, LPSTR lpCmdLine,int nCmdShow )
    DialogBoxParam( hInst,( int ) MAKEINTRESOURCE( EJECT ),0,Eject,0 );
    return 0;

Eject.h && Eject.rc:

// Eject.h
#define EJECT     0001
#define EJECT_BUT 0002
#define ABOUT     0003
// Eject.rc
#include <windows.h>
#include "Eject.h"

EJECT  DIALOG 0,0,110,70
CAPTION "   Eject Drive By The Hidden Ghost - Hamza Qdider -"
        DEFPUSHBUTTON "Eject",EJECT_BUT,25,16,60,18,WS_CAPTION
        PUSHBUTTON "About...",ABOUT,25,36,60,18,WS_CAPTION

Genius Game By Hamza Qdider

Here, a little game that I named "Genius Game", you can see its picture after the post

the main aim or the purpose is to show how the game can detect your symbol that you are save it in your mind...

You should follow the instructions of the game and you'll see ...

I hope you like my Genius Game ...

Download Link : click here

Good Luck ...

- The Hidden Ghost -
Photo : Here, a little game that I named "Genuis Game", you can see its picture after the post :)

the main aim or the purpose is to show how the game can detect your symbol that you are save it in your mind...

You should follow the instructions of the game and you'll see ...

I hope you like my Genuis Game ...

Download Link : http://depositfiles.com/files/73nkrh9v5

I'm waiting your reply :) ... Good Luck ...

- The Hidden Ghost -

samedi 25 mai 2013

<> My Memory Game <> Lighting Keyboard's Locks ...

Hello everybody !
In this post, I will present my little game that I named "Memory Game". To illustrate the technique used in the game I will show the following steps :
- In fact, I use the keyboard's Locks because I want to make an exam for my memory if is it OK or not. Well, it's just a little introduction for fun purpose that's all...
  The following steps are :
- Using the keybd_event function in order to make Num Lock or Caps Lock or Scroll Lock lighted.
- Creating a function named "ReturnState". It's used for returning if the Keyboard's Locks are On or Off.
- A counter to counts the number of times when a keyboard's Lock is lighted.

- The rule of playing the game is presented as follow:
+ Run the Game and wait your chance, Look at the following picture :

Posted Image
+ Take a look at the choosen Keyboard's Lock which is Caps Lock and counting the numbers of times when Caps Lock is lighted.
+ When your death is arrived I mean when your time is over hhhh, this message will printed on screen :

Posted Image
+ If your answer is Correct, you will get "Congratulations !!!". Otherwise you will get this :
Posted Image

- The Complete Source Code :

// Memory Game By Hamza Qdider
// All Rights Reserved...
// By The Hidden Ghost

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int ReturnState( char *which_key )
     if( strcmp( which_key,"Num Lock" ) == 0 ) 
         return GetKeyState( VK_NUMLOCK ) & 1 == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     else if( strcmp( which_key,"Caps Lock" ) == 0 ) 
         return GetKeyState( VK_CAPITAL ) & 1 == 1 ? 1 : 0; 
     else if( strcmp( which_key,"Scroll Lock" ) == 0 ) 
         return GetKeyState( VK_SCROLL ) & 1 == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     return -1;

void PauseScreen( void )
                 GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ),

int main( )
    SYSTEMTIME systime;
    int nRand,nTimes = 0,nElement,nSec,sysSec;
    int Answer;
    char *szLock[ 3 ] = { "Num Lock","Caps Lock","Scroll Lock" };
    srand( time( NULL ) );
    nElement = rand( ) % ( 0,3 );
    GetSystemTime( &systime );
    sysSec = systime.wSecond;
    nSec = sysSec + ( rand( ) % ( 1,60 ) );
    nSec >= 59 ? nSec = 59 : nSec;
    printf( "sysSec = %d ; nSec = %d { you have %d seconds }\n",sysSec,
            nSec,nSec - sysSec 
    printf( "Looking at {%s}. Are you Ready ?\n",szLock[ nElement ] );
    getchar( );
    while( sysSec != nSec ) 
           printf( "\rsysSec = %d",sysSec );
           nRand =  rand( ) % ( 100,1000 );
           Sleep( nRand );
           keybd_event( VK_CAPITAL,( char )VK_CAPITAL,0,0 );
           keybd_event( VK_CAPITAL,( char )VK_CAPITAL,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 );
           Sleep( nRand );
           keybd_event( VK_NUMLOCK,( char )VK_NUMLOCK,0,0 );
           keybd_event( VK_NUMLOCK,( char )VK_NUMLOCK,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 );
           Sleep( nRand );
           keybd_event( VK_SCROLL,( char )VK_SCROLL,0,0 );
           keybd_event( VK_SCROLL,( char )VK_SCROLL,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 );
           if( ReturnState( szLock[ nElement ] ) )
     if( !ReturnState( "Num Lock" ) )
         keybd_event( VK_NUMLOCK,( char )VK_NUMLOCK,0,0 );
         keybd_event( VK_NUMLOCK,( char )VK_NUMLOCK,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 );
     system( "cls" );
     printf( "How many times this key {%s} is lighted ? => ",szLock[ nElement ] );
     scanf( "%d",&Answer );
             Answer == nTimes ?  
            "\n\n\tCongratulations !!!" :  
       "\n\n\t The Correct Answer is : %d times. Good Luck Next Time :)",nTimes 
 if( ReturnState( "Caps Lock" ) ) 
         keybd_event( VK_CAPITAL,( char )VK_CAPITAL,0,0 );
         keybd_event( VK_CAPITAL,( char )VK_CAPITAL,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 );
     if( ReturnState( "Scroll Lock") )
         keybd_event( VK_SCROLL,( char )VK_SCROLL,0,0 );
         keybd_event( VK_SCROLL,( char )VK_SCROLL,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 );
    PauseScreen( ); 
Download The Game from this link : click here