Hello everybody !
this post, I will present my little game that I named "Memory Game". To
illustrate the technique used in the game I will show the following
steps :
In fact, I use the keyboard's Locks because I want to make an exam for
my memory if is it OK or not. Well, it's just a little introduction for
fun purpose that's all...
The following steps are :
- Using the keybd_event function in order to make Num Lock or Caps Lock or Scroll Lock lighted.
- Creating a function named "ReturnState". It's used for returning if the Keyboard's Locks are On or Off.
- A counter to counts the number of times when a keyboard's Lock is lighted.
- The rule of playing the game is presented as follow:
+ Run the Game and wait your chance, Look at the following picture :

+ Take a look at the choosen Keyboard's Lock which is Caps Lock and counting the numbers of times when Caps Lock is lighted.
+ When your death is arrived I mean when your time is over hhhh, this message will printed on screen :

+ If your answer is Correct, you will get "Congratulations !!!". Otherwise you will get this :

- The Complete Source Code :
// Memory Game By Hamza Qdider // All Rights Reserved... // By The Hidden Ghost #include <windows.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int ReturnState( char *which_key ) { if( strcmp( which_key,"Num Lock" ) == 0 ) return GetKeyState( VK_NUMLOCK ) & 1 == 1 ? 1 : 0; else if( strcmp( which_key,"Caps Lock" ) == 0 ) return GetKeyState( VK_CAPITAL ) & 1 == 1 ? 1 : 0; else if( strcmp( which_key,"Scroll Lock" ) == 0 ) return GetKeyState( VK_SCROLL ) & 1 == 1 ? 1 : 0; return -1; } void PauseScreen( void ) { ReadConsole( GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } int main( ) { SYSTEMTIME systime; int nRand,nTimes = 0,nElement,nSec,sysSec; int Answer; char *szLock[ 3 ] = { "Num Lock","Caps Lock","Scroll Lock" }; srand( time( NULL ) ); nElement = rand( ) % ( 0,3 ); GetSystemTime( &systime ); sysSec = systime.wSecond; nSec = sysSec + ( rand( ) % ( 1,60 ) ); nSec >= 59 ? nSec = 59 : nSec; printf( "sysSec = %d ; nSec = %d { you have %d seconds }\n",sysSec,
nSec,nSec - sysSec
); printf( "Looking at {%s}. Are you Ready ?\n",szLock[ nElement ] ); getchar( ); while( sysSec != nSec ) { sysSec++; printf( "\rsysSec = %d",sysSec ); nRand = rand( ) % ( 100,1000 ); Sleep( nRand ); keybd_event( VK_CAPITAL,( char )VK_CAPITAL,0,0 ); keybd_event( VK_CAPITAL,( char )VK_CAPITAL,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 ); Sleep( nRand ); keybd_event( VK_NUMLOCK,( char )VK_NUMLOCK,0,0 ); keybd_event( VK_NUMLOCK,( char )VK_NUMLOCK,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 ); Sleep( nRand ); keybd_event( VK_SCROLL,( char )VK_SCROLL,0,0 ); keybd_event( VK_SCROLL,( char )VK_SCROLL,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 ); if( ReturnState( szLock[ nElement ] ) ) { nTimes++; } } if( !ReturnState( "Num Lock" ) ) { keybd_event( VK_NUMLOCK,( char )VK_NUMLOCK,0,0 ); keybd_event( VK_NUMLOCK,( char )VK_NUMLOCK,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 ); } system( "cls" ); printf( "How many times this key {%s} is lighted ? => ",szLock[ nElement ] ); scanf( "%d",&Answer ); printf(
Answer == nTimes ?
"\n\n\tCongratulations !!!" :
"\n\n\t The Correct Answer is : %d times. Good Luck Next Time :)",nTimes
if( ReturnState( "Caps Lock" ) ) { keybd_event( VK_CAPITAL,( char )VK_CAPITAL,0,0 ); keybd_event( VK_CAPITAL,( char )VK_CAPITAL,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 ); } if( ReturnState( "Scroll Lock") ) { keybd_event( VK_SCROLL,( char )VK_SCROLL,0,0 ); keybd_event( VK_SCROLL,( char )VK_SCROLL,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 ); } PauseScreen( ); }
Download The Game from this link : click here
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